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May 19-26, 2024


We now have churches all across Georgia, in Nashville, Poplar Bluff and DC, and because of that it’s becoming more and more challenging for all of us to be together physically in one place–but with technology we can be together.

This year we have decided to take the week of Pentecost to pray.

We believe that prayer is the foundation for all that we do at Grace.
Everything beautiful that has ever happened within the family began with
prayer and without God’s presence and power, there is no point to our mission.

Each day there will be morning and evening group prayers over zoom and the opportunity to sign up to pray for an hour of personal prayer. We have created some amazing resources to allow us to align together throughout the week and to give you helpful content in your personal prayer time.

Let us join together in petitioning the heart of God on behalf of the
movement of the Grace Family!


“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” Acts 2:1



Help us cover 168 hours of prayer! With individual time slots, we are joining together as a family across all campuses. With plenty of resources and daily prompts, you’ll be well equipped.


Join us, daily at 8am and 8pm from May 20-26, on a group zoom session of prayer. Stop by the prayer room or drop a word on the prayer wall!
