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Matt Reynolds shared a powerful word from the book of Acts.


 We met the newly adopted churches and their leaders

read more about them BELOW


Will you consider giving towards our $150k goal?

We are excited to continue cultivating a movement of healthy churches that multiplies next generation leaders, plants new churches, and catalyzes Jesus movements in the Muslim world. Will you join us?

TEXT ANY AMOUNT TO 770-637-9600


Meet the new churches and their leaders


West Side Church
Poplar Bluff, MO

Lead Pastor: Jason Jordan

The vision of West Side is to see people transformed by the Gospel, experience life in community, and live their lives out for the glory of God and the good of their neighbors.  West Side accomplishes that by engaging people with the Gospel, encouraging one another in community and equipping disciples for mission.  We have a simple statement that sums up our theology, identity, and community: “It’s all about Jesus!"

Learn more at



Engaging Worlds
Fairfield, TX


At Engaging Worlds we believe Jesus followers should be able to cross the street and have a peaceful conversation with people group, from any community, in any part of the world. 

With post-graduate degrees from the world's leading universities, and 100+ years of living in Muslim cultures, we have become experts in communicating with those who dismiss or misunderstand Jesus' message. We are engaged in Scripture translation and engagement in 15+ Muslim People groups. 

Learn more at



Local Church
Franklin, TN


After 25 years of church and ministry, a new dream has come into focus for Chris and Jason: a pastor in every neighborhood. Local Church desires to equip and encourage ordinary people into extraordinary discipleship because we have an extraordinary God. The vision is to see 100’s of “micro churches” meeting in homes, apartments, and workplaces as an extended spiritual family sharing meals, sharing life, and sharing resources on mission with Jesus.

Currently, Local Church is a collection of micro-churches across Middle TN that gather in the micro weekly, in the macro monthly, and in the marketplace every day. We are a broken and beloved people living with-Jesus in His relational, redundant rhythms of meal-sharing, story-telling, serving, and sabbathing. We currently are one micro church of 47 people gathering weekly. We plan to multiply to 4 micro churches by August. We also have 35 other interested micro church leaders from around the area we are equipping and plan to launch by Jan 2022.

Our mission is to pray and play as well as declare and demonstrate as saints and sinners who are broken and beloved both now and forever.

Learn more at


We made a booklet for the event.

Download it here if you missed getting your copy!
